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Hybrid Cloud

Recap of Our
First Edition 

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NOVIPRO and its partners organized their inaugural event dedicated to hybrid cloud, bringing together industry experts and IT professionals for a day filled with discoveries and exchanges. Participants had the opportunity to attend the launch of Symphoni by NOVIPRO and become acquainted with the offerings of our partners.

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A Day of Exploration
and Innovation

With an immersive approach that captivated participants from the start of the day, this inaugural edition of Hybrid Cloud definitly was a success.

We kicked off the event with an exchange and discussion workshop, allowing guests to explore cloud through questions derived from our IT Trends 2024. This workshop provided a unique opportunity for learning, idea-sharing, and professional networking in a collaborative atmosphere.

Subsequent presentations, led by industry experts, delved deeply into the emerging trends of hybrid cloud. Participants gained insights into current challenges and future opportunities, enhancing their understanding of this ever-evolving field.

The event concluded under sunny and festive cocktail reception, bringing together partners and guests.

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Symphoni : the Perfect Harmony of Hybrid Cloud 

The event was also highlighted by the exclusive preview of Symphoni, NOVIPRO's unique offering in the field of hybrid cloud.

Symphoni embodies an integrated and visionary approach to managing IT environments, combining innovative technologies and human expertise to meet the complex needs of modern businesses. With robust customization capabilities, its offering adapts to each type of enterprise, providing a tailored solution. Symphoni paves the way for a new era of digital transformation, offering businesses a robust and scalable platform to achieve their strategic objectives.

Find out more about the Symphoni offer
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A sincere thank you to our partners

Lastly, we would like to express our gratitude to our partners who were present, without whom this event would not have been possible. A big thank you to IBM, Microsoft, Arrow, OVHcloud, Nutanix, and Lenovo for their unwavering support and collaboration. Here is an overview of their invaluable contributions:

IBM enhanced the event with sessions on POWER innovations, IBM Storage Fusion, IBM Cloud, and the benefits of migration and storage.

Microsoft captivated attention with a detailed conference on Azure, exploring the capabilities of its hybrid cloud products.

OVHcloud and Nutanix jointly hosted a conference focused on simplifying the management of hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Exploring effective strategies for integrating and managing dispersed infrastructures, this session proposed concrete solutions for optimizing the performance and flexibility of IT systems.

Lenovo offered an interactive workshop focused on leveraging data, from the edge to cloud. Attendees learned about Lenovo's advanced solutions for maximizing the value of data, including available infrastructure platforms, alternative strategies for hybrid cloud and edge applications in various industry sectors.

Their expertise and contributions enriched the discussions and exchanges, offering participants valuable insights and innovative solutions.



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Stay tuned for more exciting updates and exclusive content from Hybrid Cloud 2024!