More than one in four Canadian businesses (28%) have been victimized by a cyberattack.
The highest from companies
in the Maritimes (48%).

Only half of companies (49%) surveyed would communicate to their clients in writing if they were victims of a cyberattack.

The sectors most targeted by computer threats are :
The construction and real estate (40%) as well as agriculture, trapping, forestry and fishing (50%).

Companies plan to invest in AI for a variety of reasons
However, the appeal of these technologies varies from province to province. The Maritimes top the list (48%) with the highest amount of companies wishing to implement such solutions by 2020.
Quebec and British Columbia rank second (42%), while Ontario closes at 35%.

Technological infrastructures
Two years ago, one out of five companies (20%) considered their technological infrastructures to be avant-garde. In 2018, the proportion is 34%.

Security audits
Security audits are also less put into practice. Although, 59% of companies had achieved one in 2016, only 40% participated in one this year.

If you would like to learn more about IT trends and key issues facing Canadian companies in Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity, Cloud, Big Data and more, please complete the form below to obtain your download link.